"GasHole" is a new documentary film about the history of Oil prices and the
future of alternative fuels.

The film, narrated by Peter Gallagher, features interviews with a wide range
of viewpoints from US Department of Energy Officials, Congressional leaders
both Democrat and Republican, Alternative Fuel Producers, Alternative Fuel
Consumers (such as actor Joshua Jackson), Professors of Economics and
Psychology and more...

Directed by Jeremy Wagener & Scott D. Roberts, the film takes a wide, yet
detailed examination of our dependence on foreign supplies of Oil.

What are the causes that led from America turning from a leading exporter of
oil to the world's largest importer?  What are the economic and sociological
forces that have contributed to that change and impede its solution?  

The film examines many different potential solutions to our oil dependence.  
Starting with claims of buried technology that dramatically improves gas
mileage, to navigating bureaucratic governmental roadblocks, to evaluating
different alternative fuels that are technologically available now, to
questioning the American Consumer's reluctance to embrace alternatives.  

If you buy gas, you should see this movie!
"GASHOLE'S mix of history and classic muckraking pulls
back the curtain on the hidden hand of the Oil Industry,
exposing how it steals from our bank accounts, our
economy, and our climate.  If you buy gasoline, this is a
must see film!"
-Judy Dugan, former LA Times Reporter and current Research Director of
GasHole on Myspace
"GASHOLE is clearly a movie who's time has come."
-Duane Dudek, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
"Chilling...I'd require every American Citizen to see it!"
-Joe Williams, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
"Infuriating.....Hard Hitting......GASHOLE stands to rise in
direct proportion to gas costs...
-Rob Nelson, Variety
****  "I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief as I
came to grips with the message of
-Nate Kuester, Fox 12, Boise, ID
November 8th 2009 -
GASHOLE wins the "Spirit of Independents" Award at the Fort Lauderdale
International Film Festival!
Wise Gas...a generous
sponsor of the film